2024-02 Tanzania Coffee

The month of February has brought us a great coffee from Tanzania. The coffee was roasted to a medium darkness to bring out the best flavors of this coffee.

Flavor Profile

Unrefined coconut palm sugar, grapefruit high tones, tanic fruit tea, bright cup. Below is a flavor profile for the roast. As always, you may not additional flavors based on your unique palette.

Farm Notes

Ilomba is a coffee cooperative located in the Mbozi District of Tanzania, near Iluya town. While they’ve been around since 1997, they didn’t attain cooperative status in 2006, through the help of an NGO. Cooperative members receive assistance, like agronomical support, and are a part of the governing body. At this time, Ilomba only produces fully washed coffee where they see value in the cup quality (and so do we!). Coffee cherry is floated for grade separation before being processed, where unripe coffee floats to the top and is removed. They use a water conserving eco-pulper to remove the outer cherry, and then ferment the coffee for 1-2 days in order to break down the sticky fruit mucilage. The coffee is then washed in channels using clean water, and transported to the raised drying tables, where it takes about 2 weeks to fully dry. The station is at 1700 meters, and coffee is grown up to 1900 meters. Farms are typically less than 2 hectares in size, and farmers are growing Bourbon, Kent, and Typica.

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