Roast Profiles

We all enjoy a good cup of joe. However, we all know when we’ve had a cup of coffee that is to our liking or not. Ever had a cup of coffee that tastes like charcoal, or maybe one that tastes like under-baked bread dough? That is all due to the roast type that the roast master chose for that bean.

Think about this. If you have ever enjoyed brownies you’re very aware of the slightly undercooked gooey brownie and the slightly more than a crispy brownie. Everyone has their favorite and they’re all enjoyable. Coffee is no different. Some people like a light roast and others prefer it dark. Both are enjoyable, but we all have our preferences.

What is wild about coffee is that some beans from some regions lend themselves to lighter or darker roasts. A Columbian roasted dark will bring out the chocolate or brown sugar flavors. But a Costa Rican bean with a light roast will give off cinnamon or honey flavors. However, if you roast either differently they’ll taste entirely different and can develop ‘off’ flavors.

Below is a chart with the various roast levels and profiles common for coffee beans. On the lower end you’ll notice more subtle flavors and on the darker end you’ll taste more of the roast and a stronger taste in the cup.

If you’re feeling curious then you can try a light roast and a dark roast of the same beans and you’ll be surprised at what you find.