Coffee Taster’s Wheel

Coffee is one of the most complex beverages you will ever enjoy. So much of the world focuses on the flavor profile of wine, cuisine, or even the nuances of chocolate, but they underestimate the complexity of a beverage they enjoy every day.

Below is an image of the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) flavor wheel. The next time you enjoy a cup of coffee pull up this wheel and see if you notice a hint of citrus, a note of chocolate, or perhaps an undertone of honey. All of these are flavors that have been hidden in your coffee for years. Most coffee is mass produced and doesn’t allow for those very distinct characteristics to make it through the processing, roasting, storage, shipping, and shelving lifecycle of the average grocer.

Today you have the opportunity with a fresh and curated cup of coffee to enjoy the complexity of coffee. Take a moment to savor the flavor.